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Hi, I just downloaded update 0.9 but nothing is showing up in the active quest log section.

Go to school and the story will start by itself

May I ask when we can start playing new content?

No firm date for the mini-update yet.

So ive played it a few times and after the spoiler overwieght prank it says to go to musumi classroom but it wont let me is that a glitch or not added yet?


Not added yet. Coming in 0.10 hopefully.

Hola de nuevo,queria preguntarte si sabes si se pueden hacer esas 4 cinematicas que aun estan bloqueadas o no se puede todavia?y si se puede sabes como se desbloquean?

Yes, they should all have hints on how to unlock them when you interact.

Pero algunos no aparecen cuando los busco osea de esas cuatro digo o tal vez sea que aun no se implementaron hasta la proxima version?

They're all fully implemented. Some will show up in randomly generated schoolday encounters, for others you need to follow the instructions.

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Y el de llegar tarde en la escuela o el del baño?esos dos no se como hacer ni con la descripcion😢


The late one is you must be late to school by not choosing the strait to school and interacting with 3 events and for the bathroom it depends on which bathroom it is but i think the one you are looking for is the bathroom during 2nd period and i gotit by leaving during class and going to bathroom and sometimes 2 bad girls show up

Tienes pensado sacar el juego en español?el juego esta muy pero muy bueno lo juego desde el celular con traductor pero si alguna vez sale en español seria genial(tambien espero por la proxima version con ilucion😍)

There may be fan translations around, but I wouldn't know where to start, I'm afraid

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Muchas gracias por responder😍😍😍me encanta tu juego es muy bueno y original🤩🤩

Glad you like it ^^

I've been away from this game for awhile and wanted to ask where to access that fight club that was in previous versions. The only place that seems correct is the great arena but it says it won't be available until a future update. Has the fight club just been written out until then?

The Pussy Pit is in the Red Light District. Top right corner before you go to the Great Arena.

I tried in the Red Light District, the only doors anywhere near the top right of it are the ones where Missy says it looks like a scary crack den, and the one where she says there are no windows on the ground floor. Is it possible my game is bugged?

It probably means you need to progress further in the main storyline. It unlocks in Chapter Three. Whereabouts are you in the main storyline?

Ah I believe I'm in ch 2, that explains it, thank you.

Need android version T-T


Love the game! Any intention to put some more kinks? I feel like wedgies would fit in pretty well!


My thoughts exactly!


I encountered a bug in your game, when Missy receives her fourth punishment for not respecting the dress code, at the last hour after the teacher's correction, I find myself stuck in the classroom without being able to go out as if, there was an invisible wall, it's normal if so how to fix it?

Thanks, I'm actually currently working on this bug at the moment and should have a fix out soon. I'm not sure why it always seems to occur after the spankings, but I'm adding a variety of failsafes to prevent it in future.

okay, tell me when this bug will be fixed


just read about the defeated heroine update and it sounds great do we know when it’s coming out

Mini-updates take less time than regular updates, but I've only just started work on it, so no date yet. 1-2 months is normal.

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